Saturday, January 09, 2010


Rigby Lee Bauer was born on Friday, 1-8-2010, at 12:18 PM. She weighed 8 pounds and was 21 1/2 inches long. She was blessed by what I call the BASKETBALL gods with long fingers and big feet. Stacey and Rigby are doing great. Thanks, Mike

Monday, January 04, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy 2010 ~ Mike & I celebrated New Year's Eve on Eastern Time Zone because neither one of us could stay up til midnight!!! Mike bartended on New Year's Day so my mom, dad, Austin, Aidan, Ashby & I went and had lunch with him at the Sports Arena. That night my mom had Marc's 40th birthday dinner and then Ashby came home to spend the night with us. We decided to tackle putting the crib together around 9:00 so needless to say it was a late night for us. Ashby was our little helper. I had my ultrasound on Saturday at the hospital and it showed the baby weighing 7.4lbs (give or take a pound). Mike put the baby's dresser together Saturday afternoon and my dad & I hung some wall decorations. Saturday night we went to dinner at Mackenzie River with my mom, dad, Austin & Aidan and then Aidan came home and spent the night with us. We did a bunch of cleaning Sunday morning and then the rest of the day we relaxed and watched football.

I have posted some pictures of the new stairs and Baby B's nursery ~ what a relief to have this project complete! Baby B can come at any time now. I am still scheduled to be induced next Monday. I have a dr appt this afternoon so will update if there are any changes.
Have a great week!

This picture is from Christmas Eve

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

It's hard to believe Christmas is over and the New Year is about to arrive! We had a very nice holiday. We had dinner at my parents on Christmas Eve and then opened presents. Later that night we went to Krystin's parents house for a bit. Christmas morning we got up and went to Marc & Ang's to watch the kids open their presents and then headed to Kelly & Krystin's ~ all the kids had a wonderful Christmas. Unfortunately I came down with the flu later in the day so that was NOT fun at all. I had my ultrasound on Saturday at the hospital and everything with the baby was good ~ which was a huge relief after I was so sick. I was worried I was starving the poor thing! Austin was in a basketball tournament over the weekend but I was only able to make it to one of his games on Sunday.
Our 2 year anniversary was on Monday ~ we had too much going on with our house project so we picked up chicken dinners from Lydia's and plan go out to dinner another night to celebrate.
I had Monday & Tuesday off so it was nice to have a couple extra days. A couple girls from work took me to lunch and had a surprise pre-baby shower for me. It was so sweet of them! Tuesday, my mom and I had lunch with my uncle Mike, Marlene and Neil so it was nice to visit with them. I also had my dr appt on Tuesday and my dr has scheduled for me to be induced on January 11th if I do not go before that on my own. We overheard the nurse setting up everything with the hospital and it's official ~ we're going to be parents real soon!!!
Our house project is almost complete! The texturing was finished Tuesday night and Mike got up at 5 am on Wednesday and got everything painted before the carpet people showed up. They got our room and the hall carpeted yesterday and will do Baby B's room & the stairs today. It looks like a totally different house. It turned out better than we expected. We plan to get everything put back together this afternoon and then hopefully get the crib & dresser put together in the next couple days. Then we can put our feet up and relax before Baby B's arrival.
Wishing you health and happiness in 2010.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

Are you ready for the fat man in the red suit to visit your house??? It's hard to believe Christmas is just 2 days away!
Last weekend we were busy once again preparing for Baby B's arrival. I got all the blankets & sleepers washed, diaper bag packed, Mike cleaned the inside of my car, Marc & I washed the outside and he installed the car seat for me. We also got the bassinet put together after a couple hours of frustration!!
The tape & texture guys started Monday night and will finish next Monday ~ then Mike needs to get busy painting because the carpet is getting installed next Wednesday. It's going to be very busy for us but so nice when it's done. I can't wait to have my house back in order. I'm getting tired of living in a construction zone. Then of course, once the carpet is in, I'm hoping Papa Joe will put the crib & dresser together!
I had my dr appt yesterday and I'm measuring at 37 centimeters ~ Baby B did not cooperate on the stress test so I had an ultrasound just to make sure the Baby is getting adequate brain & umbilical fluid ~ which he/she is. We were able to see that Baby B has very chubby cheeks!!! Can't wait to meet this lil bugger! I will have another ultra sound on Saturday at the hospital since the clinic is closed for the holiday.
We are going to church on Christmas eve and then my mom is cooking prime rib for dinner. We will open our presents after dinner. Christmas morning we will head to Marc & Ang's to see what Santa brought Austin, Aidan & Ashby and then we will head to Kelly & Krystin's to see what Santa brought Tocher & Miner. I'm sure they will all get spoiled! We don't have too much else planned for Christmas ~ hopefully some rest & relaxation!
We wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Another busy weekend

Friday night Ashby spent the night with us, which was a nice change cuz her brothers always beat her to it. She and I got up Saturday morning and picked up doughnuts at Town Talk and then lattes & hot chocolate at Star Bucks. My dad came over and we put up the chair rail in Baby B's nursery, decorated one of the walls with some monkeys and colored dots & hung a picture frame. The room is started to come together. All it needs now is carpet. Then I get to break the news to my dad that he gets to put together the crib & dresser!! Ashby & I went to the Civic Center to watch my friend Carrie coach girls basketball for Loyola & they won so that was good. We picked up lunch on our way home just in time to watch the Griz game. Mike was at the game and he said it was super cold but the game was too exciting to notice how cold it really was. My dad watched the game with me ~ what a thriller it was!!! Griz are on there way to Chattanooga! Boo & Tom are going to the game so hopefully they cheer the Griz on to a National Championship. Once the game was over we picked up my mom & headed to Mackenzie River for dinner.
Mike & Leo finished all the sheet rock work on Sunday so now we're ready for the tape/texture guy. He said he might be able to start at the end of this week. If not, he would start next Monday. Keep your fingers crossed that he can start this week.
My dr appt went well last week. Since I have a history of high blood pressure, my weekly dr appts will include stress tests on Baby B and then I will also have an ultra sound each week too. Dr appts/stress tests on Tuesdays & ultrasounds on Fridays. My Dr. & the ultra sound tech said I'm definitely carrying a good size baby ~ guess that explains why my back hurts all the time! We are super excited for Baby B's arrival but definitely want him/her to keep cooking for a few more weeks so we can get our project completed.
Have a great week and be sure to cheer on the Griz Friday night!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Tocher

Hopefully everyone is managing to stay warm! We had a good weekend. Mike was back to bartending again at the Sports Arena on Friday. Saturday morning Mike & some of his buddies headed over to Missoula for the Griz game. My mom, Ashby & I went to the Montana Tech Bazaar ~ we didn't find much but it was still fun. I also got Baby B's diaper bag ordered that day too ~ green with brown polka dots. The 3 of us picked up lunch on our way home from shopping and went to my house to watch the Griz game. My mom & Ashby watched the first half with me then it was just Barkley & I for the second half. Not that it was much of a game. Griz smoked 'em 51-0.
Tocher & Miner came over for a bit (all dressed in their Griz gear) so I could babysit them for a couple hours. Saturday night we went to a Christmas party at Shane & Heather's which was very nice.
Sunday I made a couple pans of lasagna, got caught up on laundry, gave Barkley a bath and watched a little football. We also met with the tape/texture guy. We had Tocher's birthday party that night at Silver Bow pizza ~ he was so cute! He absolutely loved his cake.
Our stairs got started today and they should be done tomorrow. I have the carpet people coming to measure Thursday afternoon. It's all starting to come together. Baby B's room is painted and my dad pulled all the carpet in there yesterday and now he's staining the trim to match the crib & dresser. Thank God for papa Joe!
Aidan has a couple basketball games tonight that I'm going to then I'm going to dinner with my wonderful friends Stacy & Kris.
I have a dr appt tomorrow afternoon ~ I'm anxious to hear how things are progressing.
Mike is heading to Missoula again on Saturday for the Griz game and I of course, will be cheering from home. GO GRIZ! I don't think we have too much else planned for the weekend.
Have a great week and stay warm!

Dreams are like stars…. you may never touch them,
but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.